Get honey out of your own hive

Our purity promise

Organic raw honey Authenticity in its absolutely purest form

Our purity promise

Honey, from hive to home. Our bee active honey is an authentic pure natural product, which we deliver with our purity promise "organic only".We use only capped honey, to which no additives or other agents are added from harvesting to bottling.

We also guarantee that during the entire process we do not use quality-reducing materials such as steel and that the honey is not heated at any time during the filtering process.Furthermore, our organic beekeepers operate exclusively in nature reserves where no pesticides or fertilizers are used.

Through continuous training, we also ensure that all organic beekeepers and farmers with whom we work fully implement the procedures.You will taste the difference of this promise of purity in all the varieties and flavors we offer

Made by nature

Produced by bees. Sustainable harvested by farmers

Where our honey comes from

The Sundarbans, one of the origins of our honey, are the largest mangrove forests on the planet.They are home to the endangered Bengal tiger and cover an area of about 10,000 km², of which about 4,000 km² are in the Indian state of West Bengal.The mangrove forests are located in a low-lying estuary and floodplain, which drain precipitation from the southern slopes of the Himalayas and seasonally large masses of water into the sea.

Since the rivers in the Ganges delta are divided into numerous side and estuarine branches, the species-rich ecosystem is widely ramified and difficult to access.Nevertheless, the local inhabitants have always ventured into the „beautiful forest“, which translated means Subderbans, to collect the liquid gold. Honing in its purest form.

Health is wealth

Healthier people. And better habitats for animals and plants.

Healing honey

Sundarban honey has better radical scavenging properties that imply having anti-aging benefits and helps in cell protection which is attributed to the presence of polyphenols and flavonoids.Consumption of Sundarban honey in the right amount helps manage weight. It also has anti-bacterial properties.It is a great source of polyphenolic compounds that are known to help alleviate sore throat, common cough and cold.

All flavors of our bee active honeys are pure and natural. They provide the benefits of authentic, and forest-source-based honey, straight from our own beehives.That makes them are true champions in building immunity, increasing metabolism and a phenomenal natural source of energy.

Holistic Hives

Being innovative
In our work we believe in the results, driven by innovation and engagement


From hive to home. How our heart's desire turns into your honey

This sweet journey revolves around the path from our heart's idea and the flying heroes through the processes at and besides their hives to the point where you hold the honey in your own hands at home.

Love your hives

You have the honey. While
we do the work

Innovative hive-sponsoring

We brought the holistic hive- sponsorship program to life to interlock customer- excitement and reach with sustainable impacts for humankind and nature. The ability to produce and provide honey by utilizing hives, which are sponsored by you while hosted and managed by us, brings a lot of benefits to everybody. You decide, whether you see this as an option for you own honey- procurement, to earn extra money or to individually collaborate with us. Take advantage of this innovative approach for new interactions.
As a customer, you are free to decide whether your hives should be kept at our premises or whether you have your own place for them. If the conditions for successful beekeeping are there and you want to take care of everything yourself on site, the hives can also be placed at your place. In individual cases, we can also look after the hives at the customer's premises. Either way, we are at your side with help and advice. Over the minimum term of one year, you will receive at least 10 kg of our bee active premium honey per year and hive. We will send the first delivery immediately at the beginning of the term. Of course, you are free to resell as much as you like. If this is an interesting topic for you, please contact us for an individual offer for the purpose of resale. We are open to long-term business relationships.

By becoming a Hero of Holistic Hives yourself, you nurture to major causes, which are very close to our and many other hearts.

Boosting biodiversity

By supporting pollinators you helping the plants, the area and the bees itself. Pollination is the movement of pollen from the male part of one flower to the female part of another flower. And bees are considered the most important pollinators because they are uniquely adapted to gather and transport pollen.

Boosting farmers

We also work with various farmers in different areas. Not only to be able to provide different kinds of flavors and honey- experiences, but also to be backed by expanded network across India, wich we can help, as well as benefit from in terms of producing firnest honey and utilizing further lands for our Holistic Hive Sponsorship program. This directly supports the farmers, their family and communities.

Boosting children

Children are the future. We make a contribution to the most disadvantaged among them by creating conditions in which they and their families can break the cycle of poverty and exploitation in the long term. To this end, we focus primarily on access to education and vocational training. Together with partners in India, we were able to open a school for around 50 girls and boys in Bihar in December 2023. We cooperate closely with the non-profit organization India Child Care e.V., which was founded by Sumanth in Germany. In addition, courses on beekeeping are offered in schools and supplemented by optional start-up assistance. Visit indiachildcare (.org) to learn more.

Its a match

Win- wins for organizations. Plus
synergies for everyone.

For companies

Companies can expand and complement their existing portfolio with our products or generate additional revenue streams with the Holistic Hives Program. Collaborations with a view to the social aspects can also offer great potential. We have a competent network and extensive knowledge in various fields of communication such as branding, design and digital marketing. And we are not afraid to use these skills in a target-oriented way.
Together with educational institutions, we can make an effective and valuable contribution to shaping the future. Both for the students and for nature and wildlife. Contact us if you are interested in us holding on-site seminar sessions as part of bee active learn. We provide knowledge, skills and opportunities that can be shared in a fun and practical way. On request, we can agree the exact focus and content with you in advance.
If you belong to a non-profit organization or otherwise pursue charitable purposes, we can create synergies together and (/ or) put it at the service of the cause. In addition to the bee active resources and infrastructure, we can also contribute a broad spectrum of specialization and interface competencies in other business- und technologic areas. If you would like to support our work for the children with a donation, get involved in any other way, or would like to discuss link-up potential with your project, we're looking forward to hear from you.

[L]earn more

Being inspirtional
We impart knowledge and create valuable changes for the farmers and the ecosystem

bee active learn

Building dreams. And bring them to

Teaching and training

On request, we can come to the campus and hold on-site bee active sessions in which we explain the insights, background and opportunities of beekeeping and organic farming in an age-appropriate and entertaining way. We make sure that an optimal mix of information and activity keeps the receptiveness alive. Among other things, we also carry an (empty) hive without bees and honey for tasting. Of course, we are always open to the school's wishes and special requirements. As part of the collaboration, we offer personal on-boarding on site as well as further information and training units, which we make available online via our own system, which can also be made available to schools free of charge for later communication purposes as part of the collaboration.
Schools that invest in their own hives receive initial training from our employees for maintenance and care on site. Further live visits can be arranged. In principle, we are also available remotely to and through the training system. Hives, required accessories, bees and all work activities up to the honey harvest are carried out or supervised by us. Depending on individual agreement and planning. In addition to imparting knowledge and values, the aim is to extract the excellent organic honey in the unbeatable premium quality of bee active for your own use, for sale or ideally both.
We are also available with help and advice in the case of profit-oriented sales intentions. As a company, we have all the necessary licenses to carry out the activities effectively and in accordance with applicable law. We can help you with the quantity of honey you wish to sell in two basic ways. Option one: You sell the honey to us. Option two: You receive the quantity of honey in bottled and labeled bee active branded jars that can be easily placed on the market. In terms of costs, tax and accounting aspects and organizational factors, both options are different. We can outline an initial idea for a start and possible course of action in a personal meeting.

Join as a partner

A unique fit. Each and very
collaboration is different in detail.

The bigger picture

Our vision at bee active is to spread sustainable beekeeping in combination with social engagement to protect biodiversity, people's livelihoods and the ecosystem as a whole. By involving organizations, communities and households in our holistic hive program, we unlock and duplicate direct health, environmental and economic effects for all involved along the value chain. For this purpose we support each and every partner and participant individually with advice and assistance through education, training and support. Together we can find the perfect way to meet your organizations needs and requirements and make this program a unique fit for all and everyone.
bee active: learn gives children, teenager and students the opportunity, to take a look behind the scenes of beekeeping in cooperation with their schools. In several sessions, information is conveyed in an entertaining and age-appropriate way. Both the educational institutions and the pupils and their families themselves can open up additional future prospects with their own beehives and honey, as well as earning extra money. This also includes those institutions with which we initiate and financially support new schools.
Many of the rural farmers are forced to sell their honey at very low rates because of the honeys quality they produce. Through our training and support they are able to increase the product quality dramatically which leads to the acceptance of a higher selling price at the market what leads to a higher profits and a improved life standard for their families. Additionally we create new jobs and opportunities for their community because they can work for and with us as well as benefit from us as a new sales channel. In addition to these benefits, we are directly helping to preserve the biodiversity and habitat of endangered bees and many other pollinators and plants, which is critical for the coexistence and survival of all of us.

The concept

Being conceptual
In our work we love to create and execute slick concepts for a new tomorrow

Enjoy. Engage. Earn.

Make your choice. Deep dive behind
our conceptual cornerstones

Creating value by receiving benefits

We highly value every customer, sponsor and ambassador as well as all our collaborative partners and supporters. May the motivation be the bliss of enjoying our products, the remarkable income- and business opportunity or the vision of taking care boosting the causes and education of Indian children. You will benefit from what brings you to us. Because you are a key-factor to the success of the company including its charitable objectives. Every bottle of honey and every hive makes a noticeable difference. The more you do and mobilize, the more you get back. Extra, on top.

The impact

Being impactful.
With our work we aim to improve people's lives on different levels.

Help others

Help with honey. Do good by eating honey or drop us a line

Honey from bee active is a culinary experience and can have a great impact on the health of its customers. In addition, the work improves biodiversity and thus the habitat of its most important friends and partners - the highly valued bees.

Beyond that, however, it is also important to us as a company to make a positive contribution to better human coexistence, especially supporting those who are in need of help. For this reason, bee active donates part of its profits and pushes measures that benefit the work of the non-profit organization India Child Care e.V.. The association is committed to sustainably freeing the poorest children and families from the cycle of poverty, child labor and exploitation to provide long-term support.
With bee active learn, we also offer compact teaching units in which we explain the background to beekeeping and the associated positive ecological effects in an informative and entertaining way. If interested, schools, groups and organizations can work with us to produce their own honey or purchase it for resale, providing students with a source of income and enabling them to take steps towards independence.

The heroes

Being heroic
With bee active we thrive to encourage and foster new heroes everywhere

bee active learn

Building dreams. And bring them to life

Passive yet active

By choosing bee active products and services, you support the heroes of holistic hives- idea, the bees itself, plenty of organic beekeepers, and become an active hero yourself.
Because every product you buy helps us to further secure and expand the income of the beekeepers and their families, as well as to support the non-profit organization India Child Care e.V. (ICC), which works with different Indian organizations to sustainably free underprivileged children from the cycle of poverty and child labor. ICC was initiated by Sumanth in 2022 in Germany and is recognized as a non-profit organization by the German tax office. In December 2023 the first school new founded school started in Bihar with around 50 girls and boys in the age group between 5 and 16 years.
In addition, you will be making a positive contribution to strengthening India's biodiversity. And if that's not enough for you, take a look at our Holistic Hives- sponsorship. It is also linked to bee active : learn. A future program to inspire and enable kids to learn and work in one of the many fields related to beekeeping like for example farming, sales or entrepreneurship.

The journey

From hive to home. How our heart's
desire turns into your honey

The initial idea

This sweet journey revolves around the path from our heart's idea and the flying heroes through the processes at and besides their hives to the point where you hold the honey in your own hands at home.
First we are all about keeping everything local. Our bee active honey is sourced from the desi bees known as Apis cerena indica. Because quality and purity matters most to us, we don't compromise. Even and especially not about details. That's why we only extract the golden nectar from 100% sealed combs. This is most important for our customers and we believe, it matters to you too. Our bees are active on organic farming land, sipping on the sweet nectar of both small and big flowers. Thanks to the petite size of our bees, they don't need any sugar-water supplements because they get all the needed nutrients from the flowers themselves. This is pure organic nature, just the way we all love it. From bees, flying within their local habitat.
In addition, you will be making a positive contribution to strengthening India's biodiversity. And if that's not enough for you, take a look at our Holistic Hives- sponsorship. It is also linked to bee active : learn. A future program to inspire and enable kids to learn and work in one of the many fields related to beekeeping like for example farming, sales or entrepreneurship.

The team

Being team-oriented
We invite you to join and enhance the bee active team as the hero you already are



The enabler

Strategist for communication, cooperations and sales processes



The initiator

Architect of online-infrastructures and bee active- backbone



The visualizer

Creative artist for design and visual communication



The admin

Coordinator of administrational internals and new projects



The connector

Bride to the organic farmers and hands-on person at the field


Being collaborative
In our work we love a culture of co-creation, creativity, connectivity and cooperation

Collaborate with us

Be an ambassador, distributor or strategic partner. Let`s go

The good cause

With our future-program "bee active: learn" we offer children the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of beekeeping in cooperation with their schools. In several sessions, information is conveyed in an entertaining and age-appropriate way. Both the educational institutions and the pupils and their families themselves can open up additional future prospects with their own beehives and honey, as well as earning extra money. This also includes those institutions with which we initiate and financially support new schools.
We created Pitch Page as an interactive hub to offer and find different types of resources. And to connect people, organizations and any type of resource. Whether you want to activate volunteers or donors for social work, generate leads and customers to sell products or services, or mobilize people for your heartfelt cause. The system is used by our partners for a variety of purposes and is publicly available to drive recruitment, resource and revenue generation, retention and referrals, or to build any type of class-or newsroom. To discuss individual requirements or collaboration opportunities, contact us via
For us, out of the box means breaking new ground, not only seizing opportunities, but also creating new ones. If you want to collaborate, join or support us as a person or with your organization, you've just found the right spot. Now it's up to you. On what you can and want to do. Hands on, Invest, get honey, earn money or focussing on encouraging and enabling others. We are ready. Are you?

Connective co-creation

Writing success- stories
Together with you

As an farmer or beekeeper

If you market honey, have land available on which our beehives can be set up, or if you are simply interested in working with us to achieve joint success, we already see great potential. We also look forward to working with you to realize new concepts and, if possible, to integrate your ideas.
Whether you want to start a new business from scratch, your goal is to generate more growth for your existing company or you are already an established organization, we are looking for partners for much more than just the national and international distribution of honey. Let's talk in person or online over a coffee about possible win-win synergies.
Are you convinced of the values and goals of the bee active concept and would like to support them? Then you can support the continuous expansion of our hive infrastructure and other processes - and thus our growth. Or you can support the charitable aspects that we tackle with bee active learn and through India Child Care e.V. by opening schools to free underprivileged children and their families from the cycle of poverty.
In addition to the direct investment opportunities that arise within bee active, there are other advanced and innovative projects. If you are interested in bringing technology-oriented, internationally scalable products to life, please contact us. We will be happy to present you with a prototype or more after an initial discussion.
We believe in the energy of willpower, inspiration and action. If you feel the same way, but your current thoughts do not fall into any of the above categories, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you feel that you would like to connect with us in order to start something - let's go.

Ask us anything

Please find the frequently asked questions below. And don't hesitate to kindly get in touch with us, to talk about your remaining personal questions if any and how to proceed to get the honey asap from the hive into your hands. If you're open to a deeper approach of a collaboration let us know. We also work with schools and NGOs to share the knowledge and opportunities of producing and selling honey with teachers, students and communities and work with them. What ever you do on a private or professional level, we're exited to hear from you and explore the possibilities with and for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

(Q): How can I be sure about the product quality?

(A): Our bee active honey is 100 % sealed and also lab- tested.
(A): The shipping costs depend on the parcel weight and the route. The individual price is displayed during the check-out process on our website. We ship with India Post, among others.
(A): This depends, among other things, on the time of the order and the destination. We usually have an internal processing time of one to three days. It can take 4-10 days until receipt. We have no influence on the shipping partner.
(A): Yes, wholesale prices are possible from a purchase quantity of 15 kg. Depending on the case, discounts of up to 30% can be offered. Please contact us personally.
(A): If you have something to complain about, you can not notify us and, if possible, send us pictures of the damage. We will then find a solution.
(A): Yes, you can access shipment tracking via your personal customer area on our website.
(A): We do not currently ship abroad on a regular basis. However, please feel free to contact us with your requirements. We will certainly find a way that works. Regular international shipping is already planned.
(A): In addition to the fact that we are creating new jobs, we are also supporting the empowerment of farmers, especially women. And together with the non-profit association India Child Care e.V., we initiate and support learning centers and early childhood education programs to sustainably free children and young people from the cycle of poverty and exploitation. You support us with every jar of honey and every Holistic Hive.

(Q): How much honey do I get per hive?

(A): The amount of honey per hive also depends on the amount of hives you have. However, you are guaranteed to receive 10 KG of the finest superior honey per hive per year.
(A): The costs, as well as the amount of possible discounts, depend on the number of hives. And on whether we maintain them or you want to take care of them yourself if the hives are placed on your land. In general, we charge a fee for the use of the hive and a service fee for the complete maintenance.
(A): Yes, as long as the conditions are right for successful honey production.
(A): Each hive should be placed 4 feet away from the nearest hive.
(A): Absolutely. We have great opportunities and look forward to hearing from you.
(A): Do not hesitate. We are happy to help and are also extremely open to your ideas and suggestions.
Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance, any help or another question.
